Verification - Freezer, Refrig, Oven, Incubator
These mercury free thermometers are traceable to NIST and cover ranges from -5 to 15°C or 20 to 60°F...
H-B FRIO-Temp and DURAC Plus Refrigerator Verification Thermometers; Traceable to NIST 5 results
These mercury free thermometers are traceable to NIST and cover ranges from 20 to 200°C.
• Verify s...
H-B FRIO-Temp and DURAC Plus Oven Verification Thermometers; Traceable to NIST 6 results
These mercury free thermometers are traceable to NIST and cover ranges from 10 to 50°C or 60 to 120°...
H-B FRIO-Temp and DURAC Plus Incubator Verification Thermometers; Traceable to NIST 10 results
These mercury free thermometers are traceable to NIST and cover ranges from -90 to 25°C or -130 to 8...
H-B FRIO-Temp and DURAC Plus Freezer and Ultra Low Freezer Verification Thermometers; Traceable to NIST 8 results
These mercury free thermometers are traceable to NIST and cover ranges from -5 to 20°C or 20 to 70°F...
H-B FRIO-Temp and DURAC Plus Blood Bank Verification Thermometers; Traceable to NIST 7 results