Racks & Holders
Made of stainless steel without any plastic coating, this universal rack holds all types of pipettor...
Stainless Steel Pipettor Stand 1 result
Increases overall capacity of your incubator by holding five 100mm diameter or fifteen 60mm diameter...
Stackable Petri Dish Incubation Tray 1 result
These sturdy, rigid racks feature interlocking end plates with handles for secure stacking when load...
Stack Rack Test Tube Racks 5 results
Capturing hazardous chemical and contaminant spills when transferring from one vessel to another is ...
Spill Containment Trays 2 results
This polypropylene rack holds twenty 10mm light path spectrophotometer cuvettes in two tiers with nu...
Spectro Cuvette Rack 1 result
Efficiently prepare agar media slants with this test tube slant rack. Choose from 13-16mm or 16-20mm...
Slant Racks 2 results
Just the right size for serum vials (10-13mm diameter), RIA vials and T3/T4 reaction vials (13-16 an...
Serum Vial Racks 3 results
This rugged and stable rack holds 24 scintillation vials (30mm diameter) for convenient storage, han...
Scintillation Vial Rack 1 result
Designed to be wall-mounted or free-standing, these clear acrylic eyewear holders are available with...
Safety Eyewear Holders 2 results
Round-bottom flasks of any size up to 10 liters are cradled securely in the stepped concentric rings...
Round-Bottom Flask Support 1 result