This hydrometer has the required size and scale to determine the specific gravity / relative density...
H-B DURAC Urine Squibb Hydrometer; Traceable to NIST 1 result
Used to determine the specific gravity of soil in the range of 0.995 to 1.038, or -5 to 60 g/L (usin...
H-B DURAC Soil Analysis ASTM Hydrometers; Traceable to NIST 2 results
Popular in the fishing and shipping industries to find the Apparent Density of sea/fresh water, thes...
H-B DURAC Draft Survey Hydrometer; Traceable to NIST 1 result
Choose from two models, one measuring percent saturation of CaCl₂ in the range of 0 to 120%, and the...
H-B DURAC Calcium Chloride Salometers; Traceable to NIST 2 results
Used to determine the specific gravity / relative density (g/cmᶟ) of battery acid in the range of 1....
H-B DURAC Battery Hydrometer with Siphon Set; Traceable to NIST 1 result