Used to determine the specific gravity / relative density (g/cmᶟ) of battery acid in the range of 1....
H-B DURAC Battery Hydrometer with Siphon Set; Traceable to NIST 1 result
Available in a variety of individually calibrated models measuring specific gravity of petroleum pro...
H-B DURAC ASTM Precision Specific Gravity Hydrometers with Individual Calibration Report; Traceable to NIST 19 results
These plain form hydrometers measure the relative density (specific gravity) of oil and petroleum re...
H-B DURAC API Plain Form Hydrometers; Traceable to NIST 11 results
These plain form hydrometers are available in a variety of models measuring the relative densities (...
H-B DURAC API ASTM Hydrometers; Traceable to NIST 29 results
Choose from a wide range of individually calibrated plain form models measuring the relative density...
H-B DURAC API ASTM Hydrometers with Individual Calibration Report; Traceable to NIST 9 results
Used to determine proof of ethyl alcohol spirits, these hydrometers are available in various ranges ...
H-B DURAC Alcohol Proof – Ethyl Alcohol Hydrometers; Traceable to NIST 11 results
These precision fabricated hydrometers provide scales from 0 to 200% with 0.1% divisions and are use...
H-B DURAC Alcohol Proof Precision Hydrometers; Traceable to NIST 17 results
Used to measure % alcohol of waste liquors. Choose from a variety of models with various ranges from...
H-B DURAC Alcohol Proof Hydrometers; Traceable to NIST 5 results