Watch Your Step


It's Safety Month - Watch Your Step

Did you know that falling down is not only the most common office accident, but that it is also responsible for causing the most disabling injuries? Here are some common ladder accidents and how to prevent them!

    1. Using the Wrong Ladder- Keep in mind weight capacity and the necessary height. If the ladder is too short, get a different one!
    2. Using Old, Worn, or Damaged Ladders  - Like food, ladders have a shelf life. Older ladders are more likely to break and should be inspected.
    3. Using a Ladder Incorrectly - Human error is the leading cause of ladder accidents! Place the ladder on firm, level ground. If possible, have a helper support the base.
    4. Not Using a Ladder When You Need to - People sometimes use a chair, box, bucket, etc. to stand on to reach something stored in a high place. This increases the risk of injury.

Image:  Falling off a Ladder

A good rule, this month and every month, is if you can't reach it without standing on something, get a ladder. Or, if that's TOO large, try a Safety Step Stool!

Image: Safety Step Stool from SP ScienceWare

  • Three (3) spring-loaded, swiveling casters make it easy to kick or push out of the way or into position
  • When weight is placed on the stool a non-skid vinyl bumper rests directly on the floor to prevent movement
  • Passes EN 141183 Testing Standard
    Maximum weight load: 150kg (330lbs)

Image: Shop Now for SP Scienceware Safety Step Stool

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