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SP Acquires Penn Tech

Image:  SP Industries Logo

Warminster, PA - March 21, 2016 - SP Industries, Inc. ("SP"), a leading designer and manufacturer of state-of-the-art laboratory equipment; a full line of research, pilot and production freeze dryers for biological drug manufacturing solutions; laboratory supplies and glassware, announced today that it has acquired the assets of privately held PennTech Machinery Corporation, a global provider of complete vial handling solutions covering washing, sterilization, filling, stoppering, capping and both tray and freeze dryer loading/unloading equipment, located in Warminster, PA. To read the complete press release, follow this link.

Press Release For Immediate Release
March 21, 2016 Contact:
Mary Seto – 1-800-423-5278
SP Industries

These Things Suck


Things That REALLY Suck

  • Walking in to a glass doorImage:  Foot in Manure
  • Mosquito bites
  • Stepping in dog poop
  • Lemon juice in a paper cut
  • Dropping your phone in the toilet
  • Weak cocktails
  • Running out of bacon
  • Wedgies
  • Long lines at amusement parks
  • Sunburn
  • Burning your tongue
  • The hiccups
  • Empty toilet paper roll



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The New HiFlow Vacuum Aspirator Sucks too, but in a Good Way!

No External Vacuum System Required!

  • High flow rate; works with 8-channel pipette tips
  • Maintains vacuum even with four empty channels
  • Self-contained, portable and quiet
  • Quick disconnects for easy bottle removal
  • Replaceable filter protects vacuum pump from fluid overflow

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Leap Year Keeps Things Accurate


Leap Year Keeps Things Accurate

Does anyone else still recite this poem to remember how many days are in each month?

Thirty days hath September,
April, June and November;
All the rest have thirty one --no wait!
February's days count 28!
Except in leap year, that's the time
When February's days count 29

Do you remember why the calendar leaps like a frog every 4 years?
1 Calendar Year 365 days VS. 1 Solar Year (the time it takes for Earth to orbit the sun) about 365.25 days

When did we figure out we needed this extra day?
Way back in 46 B.C., Julius Caesar realized the calendar they were following wasn't working. So he consulted with an astronomer. Together they realized what the Egyptians had already discovered -- that we needed that extra day every four years to stay on track. So he instituted the Julian calendar. But even that wasn't quite right.

So finally in 1582, Pope Gregory XIII fixed the glitch and instituted the Gregorian calendar which we still follow today.  The 11 minutes difference in one year's rotation builds up. And that's why the pope had to intervene and say we have to tweak the Julian calendar one more time.

Might not seem like a big deal, but over time the extra 1/4 day can really add up! In order to remain accurate, an extra day is added to every 4th calendar year to keep in sync with our trips around the sun. (If you're a salaried employee, you're technically working an extra day for free)

*Bonus Fun Fact!
Because the solar year is not exactly 365.25 days, 3 extra days are accumulated every 4 centuries. To remove the extra time, February 29 in the three century years (multiples of 100) that cannot be exactly divided by 400 are removed.


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William Campbell, Drew University Awarded Noble Prize

Image: 2015 Noble Prize Winners

From left to right:
Youyou Tu, Satoshi Omura, William C. Campbell

William C. Campbell, from Drew University - Madison NJ, was among the three scientists awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for discovering “therapies that have revolutionized the treatment of some of the most devastating parasitic diseases,” the Nobel committee announced on Monday. William C. Campbell and Satoshi Omura were awarded one half jointly for their discoveries regarding a therapy against infections caused by roundworm parasites. Youyou Tu was awarded the other half for her discoveries concerning Malaria therapy. Parasitic worms afflict a third of the world’s population, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and Latin America. Malaria, a mosquito-borne disease caused by single-cell parasites that invade red blood cells, kills more than 450,000 people a year, most of them children. “After decades of limited progress in developing durable therapies for parasitic diseases, the discoveries by this year’s laureates radically changed the situation,” the committee said. Dr. Campbell, who was born in 1930 in Ramelton, Ireland, worked for decades at the Merck Institute. He is now a research fellow emeritus at Drew University in Madison, N.J. Dr. Omura, who was born in 1935 in Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan, is a professor emeritus at Kitasato University in Tokyo. Dr. Tu, born in 1930 in China, has been a scholar at the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, now known as the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, since 1965. The Nobel Assembly at Karolinkska Instituet posted this release.

New Bel-Art Magnetic Bead Separation Racks are Priced Right

Wayne, NJ – July 21, 2015 – Independent sleeves are one of the features that makes these new Bel-Art® Magnetic Bead Separation Racks by SP Scienceware® unique to the market. “Along with their completive pricing, these racks offer exceptional quality and value compared to other brands,” according to SP Scienceware Product Manager Michael Grzelak.  Read the complete press release here.
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